
Dan Norris

Hear “Yes!” More Often with the Science of Influence


Director, Holt Cat Development Services

Dan Norris specializes in the science of ethical influence. One of only a few individuals worldwide who currently hold the CMCT designation (a specialization in the psychology of persuasion–earned directly from Dr. Robert Cialdini, the leading authority on the subject), Dan helps organizations take the latest scientific research out of the laboratory and apply it in their own day-to-day sales, leadership, and customer service applications.

Dan has worked with a wide variety of client industries for more than a decade, contributing to large, measurable increases in performance, customer and employee satisfaction, and millions in increased revenue.

Dan focuses on employee development—investing only in tools, training, coaching, and outcome assessments that have been shown to positively change behavior.

When not speaking and training, Dan is responsible for furthering Holt’s highly successful Values Based Leadership© programs, lauded by leadership experts including Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, Dr. Michael O’Connor. These programs evolved from more than a decade of effective application within Holt companies and other client organizations, and Dan continues to play an integral role in the design and growth.